Getting ready to leave!

Hi there friends and family, and welcome to my first blog post! 

I leave for my year teaching abroad in less than one week. Since graduating from ASU in May I have spent a nice amount of time at home with family and friends, interspersed with a few trips. I had a few goals for the summer: spend lots of time with family, seriously downsize my closet, take the GRE, relax, and pack well for my year abroad.

Packing took a surprising amount of time and consideration because I really only have one shot. 11 months worth of clothes and supplies needed to fit into a couple suitcases, so I was not about to blow it! I have never seen my dad more nervous than when he sat me down to discuss "the form versus function of footwear" for my trip. I would love to think that I am not that out of touch, but the man is pretty perceptive. Shoutout to Kendal for supporting my Birkenstocks transition.

Some summer photos

For my last few days in America I will be doing the usual: hanging out on the sofa, watching tv with the family, walking the dog, and oscillating between anxiety and excitement over the adventure ahead.